Ausbildungen, Fortbildungen, Weiterbildungen, Literatur & Veranstaltungen die in meine Arbeit einfließen:
laufend in Überarbeitung. Letzter Stand: 25.01.2024
- seit 2011: Examinierte Pflegefachkraft (Examensdurchschnitt 1,0); 3 jährige Ausbildung
QEKK -> Lucia Cremer; Carmen Hercegfi
Lactation Education Ressources -> diverse Referenten
QEKK -> Lucia Cremer
Katia Saalfrank (Diplom-Pädagogin)
Deutsches Ausbildungsinstitut für Stillbegleitung
Isolde Richter
Daniela Starke
Isolde Richter
Daniela Starke
Katia Saalfrank (Diplom-Pädagogin)
Fortbildungen & Weiterbildungen
Lucia Cremer
QEKK -> Lucia Cremer
QEKK -> Lucia Cremer
M.Sc. Ulrike Guhr, Stillberaterin DAIS; Anita Beckmann, Zahnärztin
- Ulrike Guhr M.Sc., Stillberaterin;
- Melanie Haslinger, Logopädin;
- Lori Overland, Logopädin;
- Carola Engelberts, Zahnärztin;
- Dr. Claudia Kanitz M.Sc Kieferorthopädin, Zahnärztin;
- Veronika Langenberg, Still- und Laktationsberaterin IBCLC
GoldLearning -> Alexandra Glass , MD, IBCLC
- Infant Oral Assessment: Exploring Anatomy and Function Beyond the Frenulum Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC
- Positioning and Latch for Breastfeeding Catherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
- Marching Orders: Developing Practical and Impactful Care Plans Nekisha Killings, MPH, IBCLC
- Taking a Lactation History: From Pregnancy to Postpartum and Beyond Lisa Amir, MBBS, MMed, PhD, IBCLC
- Getting Milk Production off to a Good Start Carmela Kika Baeza, MD, IBCLC
- Performing Physical Breast Assessment Katrina B. Mitchell, MD, IBCLC, FACS
Liane Emmersberger
- Rebecca R. Hill, PhD, DNP, RN FNP-CThe Impact of Tongue-Tie and Frenotomy on Infant Feeding: An Overview of Available Research
- Karese Laguerre, RDH, Myofunctional TherapistBreastfeeding After Release: The Importance of Anticipatory Care
- Kumar Ankur, MBBS, MD (PAEDIATRICS), DNB (NEONATOLOGY)Tongue-Tie and the NICU: A Neonatologist Perspective
- Ratih Ayu Wulandar, MD, IBCLCClinical Case Studies: Ankyloglossia in Babies With Marasmus and Kwashiorkor
- Rene Moore, IBCLC, RLC, CLEInfant Airway and Tongue-Tie: Importance of Breathing for Feeding, Growth and Development
- Leslie R. Kowalski, PhD, IBCLCUntangling the Big Picture of Tongue-Tie Assessment
- Catherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLCUltrasound Analysis of Sucking: Tongue-Tie and Confounders
- Michale Chatham, RN, BSN, LMT, IBCLC, OMTTrauma, Timing and Tenacity: Navigating Care When Frenectomy Doesn’t Help
- Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLCConnection and Care: Virtual Support for Tongue-Tied Infants
- Kate Roche, BSc (Physiotherapy), MISCP, IBCLCJustin Roche, MB ChB, FRCPCH, FRCPI, IBCLCThe Bigger Picture Takes a Bigger Team – Our Journey From a Tongue-Tie Division Service to „Whole-istic“ Care
Kay Hoover, MEd, IBCLC, FILCA
Lyndsey Hookway, BSc, RNC, HV, IBCLC
- Structure and Function: Causes and Possible Long Term ConsequencesJaye Simpson, CLE, IBCLC, RLC
- Infant Frenotomy for the ClinicianDr. Martin Kaplan, D.M.D.
- Organization of tongue movements before and after frenotomy for posterior tongue-tie: an Ultrasound analysisCatherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
- Biomechanics of milk extraction during breast-feedingProf. David Elad, DSc
- TummyTime!™ : A Therapeutic Strategy for Parents and BabiesMichelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
M.Sc. Ulrike Guhr, Stillberaterin DAIS
Dr. Veronika Langenberg, IBCLC
Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSEd, IBCLC
GOLD Learning
- The Faux Tie: When is a „Tongue-tie“ NOT a Tongue-tie? Alison Hazelbaker, PhD, IBCLC, FILCA, RCST
- The New IBC Tongue Tie Assessment Tool: From Validation to Practice Edith Kernerman, IBCLC, NBCI
- New Thoughts on Infant Pre and Post-Frenotomy Care Melissa Cole, IBCLC, RLC
- Helping Parents Navigate the Roller Coaster Ride of Tongue-Tie and Breastfeeding Renee Beebe, M.Ed., RLC, IBCLC
- Diagnosis and Management of Tongue Tie and Lip Tie in Breastfeeding Dr. Bobby Ghaheri, MD
- Ankyloglossia – Recognition of the many different forms & Impact on Breastfeeding and Lifelong Health Dr. James Murphy, MD, FAAP, FABM, IBCLC
- The Elephant In The Room – Bleeding Post Tongue-Tie Division Sarah Oakley, BA(Hons) RN HV IBCLC
- Tongue Tied Untied: Creating Functional Breastfeeding Outcomes Jacqueline Kincer, IBCLC, CSOM
- How Do We Measure A Complete Release? BreAnne Marcucci, ARNP, FNP-C, IBCLC, Jennifer Millich, MSN, BSN, RN, IBCLC
- Understanding the Complexities of Tongue Tie: 2020 Updates Gina Weissman, DMD, RN, IBCLC, FABM
- Breastfeeding With A Tongue Tie. How Can We Help When A Tie Revision Is Not Possible? Meg Nagle, IBCLC
- Critical Assessment of Apparent Tongue-Tie Catherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
- First Do No Harm: The Importance of Assessment, Referral, and Collaborative of Ankyloglossia Jennifer Day, IBCLC
- From Head to Toe It’s All Connected: Pediatric TMJD, Tongue Tie, and Chiropractic Care Jenna Davis, DC
- Reattachment And Re-Release: Starting The Dialogue To Improve Patient Outcomes Cara Riek, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, IBCLC, DABLS
- Understanding the Variations of Active Wound Management and Neuromuscular Re-Education Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MA, CCC-SLP/COM®
GOLD Learning
- Lactation Skills for Supporting Dyads with Oral Restrictions Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE
- Foundations of TOTS Assessment: Anatomy, Appearance, and Function Lisa Urich Lahey, RN, IBCLC, OMT
- A Sensory Motor Approach to Neuromuscular Re-Education Post Frenotomy
Lori L. Overland, M.S., CCC, C/NDT, CLC - Treating Tongue-Tie From Birth Through Adolescence: The Far Reaching Impact of a Tiny String Richard Baxter, DMD, MS
- Baby Shark Do’s, Don’ts, Decisions, and Dilemmas. Creating a Supportive Lactation Care Plan for a Family with Tethered Oral Tissues. Tamara Hawkins, RN, FNP, IBCLC, LCCE, CHHC
- All Tied Up: Tongue Tie Beyond the Mouth Brandi Benson, DC, CACCP
- Rethinking Surgical Tools – Infant Frenotomy & Pain Effath Yasmin, MA, HDSE, CLEC(USA), IBCLC, BCST(ICSB-SWISS)
- The Compensatory Mechanics of Suck for Babies with Oral Tethering: How to Identify and Treat after Revision Ellen Chetwynd, PhD, MPH, BSN, IBCLC
- The Impact of Tongue-Tie on the Musculoskeletal and Nervous Systems Sharon A. Vallone, DC, FICCP
- Tongue Tie and Orofacial Myofunctional Development Marjan Jones, BDSc (Hons) UQ, BSc Melb
Gold Learning
- Utilizing Myofunctional Methods and Lactation Therapy Pre & Post Frenectomy for Optimal Suck RehabilitationLisa Urich Lahey, RN, IBCLC, OMT
- Breastfeeding Strategies for Tongue-tied InfantsCatherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
- The Tongue is for Life: Oral Restrictions and their Impact on Breastfeeding and Throughout the LifetimeDan Hanson, DC, BDS (Dentistry), MBIBH (Buteyko Institute)
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Post Frenotomy Care: Examining Exercises, Therapy, and Support for the Breastfeeding Dyad Post ReleaseCara J. Riek, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, IBCLC, DABLS
Stevanie Bahnerth, DC - Tongue-ties DemystifiedAnjana Srinivasan, MDCM, CCFP, IBCLC
Johanna Sargeant, BA, BEd, IBCLC
Europäisches Institut für Stillen & Laktation
Anita Beckmann, Isabel Szacknis, Claudia Fröhlich
Gabriele Wellano, IBCLC
Sandra Crone, Stillspezialistin®, IBCLC, EFNB®
Andrea Böttcher
Karin Bergstermann
- Wieder Paar sein. Erfüllte Zweisamkeit trotz Arbeit und Kind Sascha Schmidt
- Wild World -Wie Kinder an der Welt wachsen und Eltern entspannt bleiben Julia Dibbern
- Mama, was schreist du so laut? Wut in Gelassenheit verwandeln Britta Hahn
- Leben und Lernen aus Begeisterung André Stern
- Es ist vorbei -ich weiß es nur noch nicht! Leben mit traumatischer Geburt Tanja Sahib
- Eigenverantwortung in der Pubertät Andrea Daun
- Resilienz – Immunsystem der Seele Leandra Vogt
- Gefühlsstarke Kinder verstehen und begleiten Nora Imlau
Naomi Feil